Noah Xifr aka Bird
Artist - NoahXArts
Noah Xifr aka Bird
Artist - NoahXArts
SW6PT – Lovers 6 (California Condor mural)
Spray paint, acrylic paint, paint markers on concrete wall
8’W x 12’H
The California Condor is an endangered bird species exemplary in terms of biodiversity for its consumption of carrion. These birds eat the dead, which may seem gruesome, yet they also form very strong bonded families. This pair of condor bird people hold each other tenderly inside a pentagonal home structure made of feathers while a rainbow sun shines behind them. The Lovers 6 card of the tarot encourages meaningful connections. Mural painted as a part of the Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens, New York.
Grow Strong Gowanus: Free Food Community Fridge
Acrylic paint, spray paint, paint markers, charcoal on working kitchen fridge
3’W x 6’H x 3’D
The Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club commissioned a community portrait on their free food fridge after the Covid 19 lockdown. This working refrigerator helped provide supplemental food resources to all in need in the Gowanus Brooklyn neighborhood. The 3 sides of the fridge are painted with images of a hybrid egret person eating a 3-eyed fish sandwich. Text reads - Don't Go Hungry / Grow Strong. On the front of the fridge I painted in both English and Spanish - Free Food / Comida Gratis to encourage multiple language speakers.
The Gowanus Fridge.
Fool N0 Tool / Take Flight (Bird War Tarot)
Acrylic paint, charcoal, paint markers and tempera paint on wood panel
4’W x 8’H x 2.5”D
The trumpeter swan is the first bird species I feature as a hybrid bird person in the Bird War Tarot because this species continues to make an amazing comeback from near extinction. The Bird War Tarot is my series representing the greatest diversity of bird species at risk of extinction with the most promising conservation efforts globally. Each painting draws upon centuries of symbolic references from the deck of tarot cards and honors my fellow Romani peoples and draws from old European, Middle Eastern and indigenous spiritual traditions. The Fool, or 0 card, is known to simply and boldly go forward, as the text reads, to - Take Flight.
Like a Phoenix We Rise – 106th Street Community Mural
Pigment, charcoal, gouache, acrylic, and oil paint on wood in niche
6'W x 8'H
A giant phoenix bird rises up from the ashes littered with the paraphernalia of drug use, like a radiant rising sun, to proclaim the neighborhood a drug free zone. Fundraising from local community organizations sponsored this mural, and a videographer documented the mural in progress which aired on Manhattan Neighborhood Network television. Mural is still in situ on 106th Street near Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan, NY.